sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

Wuju! FREE POST =)

This is a good time to post about something I like, one of them is a time that is approaching: the summer

Summer is a season that begins Dec. 21 and ends on March 21, and this is one of the stations that I love.
This season is when the sun heats up with her light, and days are longer and nights are shorter, the air is hot and dry and it invites us outdoors and outdoor activities such as swimming, walking biking, hiking, etc.. Particularly swimming is one of the sports that I love, and that at this time serves to cool and get a good workout of the body, which is far more complete sport.
Among the things I like and I can do is to wear comfortable things, such as shorts, bathing suit, shirt, hat, shoes, shawls, etc.
It is also during this time that I feel more energy and feel more cheerful and talkative, I laugh and I feel more open to share with the environment.
Do not forget that at this time is when you lose more body fluid, and it can be retrieved with fruits displayed at this time, besides being rich in water, flavor and colors, and help them stay healthy. Among the fruits that can be enjoyed in this period are: melons, watermelons, bananas, apples, strawberries, pears, plums, nectarines, cherries, etc.

I hope that you read all and it like you.

PD: thanks Miss Trajtemberg for all, You are a very good teacher and person.

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

The differents uses of the technology in the university subjects

Every year the faculty comes to change, the academics, the structure, the books, etc, and with this, the use of technology and this integration in the faculty.
In the coming, the faculty didn’t have computers, internet, virtual books, the use of power point, etc; this only used traditional form for give the information.
The main benefits with this advance are the students that today can use this for to have better connection between their and all the faculty.

This year, the students had better communication with the academics, because now there is a virtual platform that has different tools: forum, upload class and papers, calendar, expose the notes, etc. This allows, for example, that the academics give the information of the week and the all programs in the year, upload the class for all the students, give private and public information, etc. This is very useful to develop a subject, because teachers can guide the virtual platform according to requirements that they have. Also the students can give their opinion about the subjects or the academics.

One example that the technology is very fun and useful to learn is the MIIM (Modulo Integrado Interdisciplinario y Multiprofesional). MIIM is a subject created this year with the object of analyzing fictional/real clinic case. The dynamic of this subject is: there are different virtual persons (this could the real people or a people impersonating this): the patient (the patient or a family of this), the different health professional (physical therapy, midwife, etc). The students are organized in groups for to approve the case. The idea is recreate a real case, and the group has the role of analyzing the case, give information to the patient, resolve the case while this evolves, etc. The students have different tools for doing this, for example: forum, a blog (only for communicate between patient or other health professional), upload papers, etc

Finally, the advanced method allows that the students access information didactically, have more tools and possibility of connection and knowledge, create a channel between the course and the teachers and between students, obtain information between different careers in the faculty, have better and updated information, etc. This opens the door to a “big world” that people are knowing and maybe in some years more, this will return to change.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

The Brain myths

Dear all, a few days ago the Dr. Pedro Maldonado was to talk about "myths and truth on the brain”, with this information I made the next blog.

The brain is the control center of the body. Controls thought, memory, speech and movement. It regulates the function of many organs, so it is one of the most important organs. Although these things are known, the brain remains a mystery to modern science. There are still many unknowns:the origin of consciousness, how memories are stored, the power of the subconscious, the connection between mind and body are some of the mysteries that we still need to discover completely.

However, there are some facts we do know about him and his brain works, and with this we can break down myths. One of the most struck me was that you cannot learn while you are asleep, until quite some time been selling music tapes on the market which guarantee learn without much effort. As it mechanism, only you need to be asleep and listen these recording, and next you are going to learn how to “osmotic effect”. This sounds fantastic, but really you can do it?

While you sleep, the brain is still functioning, and despite that it performs different functions, it only cares about rest. Although the brain receives various stimuli, such as listening to the recording, do not worry about memorizing them.

I had great faith in this assumption, in fact I occupy it method, in high school, many times to "learn" some things, but I think it just helped me to be convinced that I was memorizing.

That's all, hope you like.

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010


Dear all, I want to write about the stress: definition, risk, symptoms and preventing of this.

Definition: Stress is a physical and emotional reaction that everyone experiences as he/she encounters changes in life. These reactions can have positive (for example, when it makes us deal constructively with daily problems and meet the challenges) or negative effects (for example when this effects can lead to depression and heart disease).

Risks of stress: Stres stress caqn lead to a variety of serious diseases, for example: high blood pressure (wich can cause heart problems inlcuding heart attacks), migraine headaches, back pain, ulcers, bad habits (relieve it with illicit drugs, smoking or alcoho) and ,other big problem, weak immune system.

Symptoms: under stress, a people may experience: headaches, heartburn, insomnia, tense muscles, shaky hands, fatigue, etc. besides It may also feel: nervous, fearful, confused, confused, worried, irritable, unable to concentrate, etc. This symptons interfere the normal life, for example poor job/study perfomance, unhappy life,unhappy marriage, unstable or lost job, poor relationship with the family members, couples or coworkers, accumulating debt, etc.

Preventing stress: avoid stressors that can to be controllable (for exmple: dont go shopping if it stresses you) , plan major lifestyle changes, realize your limitation (learn how to say "no" to new responsailities that you are not sure can fulfill), prioritize, improve communication, share your thoughts with a spouse, a parent, a child, or a friend, develop a positive attitude, reward yourself (for example with vacation, special treats, etc), exercise every day for at least 30 min (It is the most effective ways of preventing and managing stress), eat and sleep well. Well, It is a short guide about the stress. I hope that you can to read it.

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Breast cancer in young women 'increases risk' of disease in relatives

Dear all, I want to write a summary of a article very interesting.

Well the article describe a studie of a group compose by parents and siblings of 504 womens diagnosed with the Breast cancer before the age of 35 and the scientist could to chek that this person had 1.5-2 fold increased risk of prostate, lung, brain and urinary cancers.

This risk increased when the scientist saw the faulty genes that increase the chance of breast cancer, for example if one of the abnormal genes is BRCA1 and BRCA2, the chance of had this disease is 55% to 85% risk of developing in their lifetime (the risk increased four-fold), being higher in siblings that in parents ,for example in mothers.
In contrast, women that dont have this abnormal genes, only account for between 2% and 5% of all breast cancers.

Is important to consider this study because suggesting a strategy to help identify other genes which significantly increase a woman's breast cancer risk, but this require new study for determine and confirm this risk and other genes.
Furthermore, previous studies have suggested the relation between the increased risk of other cancers and women with breast cancer, but the links have been weak and inconsistent.

Finally, Of the 504 women in the study, 41 had a BRCA mutation with a total of 2.200 parents and siblings were involved.

- Well, I have chosen this article beacuse It has a direct relation with my carrer, and I actually did not know what genes in particular are responsible of breast cancer and If its have relation with the developed of other cancers. With this information I can help of better way the women with this disease and prevent this in other women from young.


sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010

"Please, I want to live". Im sorry, you dont have money

Dear all, today my post is about the film: SICKO

Sicko is a movie that shows the health system in different countries, including stories of different people.

Personally, this movie I liked a lot because it allowed me to meet other health systems around the world, how they work, generating repercussions on the population, changes in the lives of different people, etc.
It is impressive to see two people from different countries, which share the same disease can have such different outcomes in health care, as the latter varies in the country in which it is located, for example, in the U.S. we can see that to receive attention, you must pay a large sum of money only for covers a few things. Also, if you go for any type of emergency, first they observe if you can or not pay this.

In contrast, in countries like France, Canada, England, you only have that to go to the health center and you will be served immediately without distinction to anyone. This system is funded for each person by taxes, which guarantees free health care (public health system). This dynamic does not mean that the service is bad, on the contrary, the users report that is high quality and fast.

In Chile is trying to achieve this system, and with this purpose was created the AUGE, which until now could not work perfectly, because it requires changes like give more money to this for upgrade the standard, the quality, the coverage, etc.

Well, this is my opinion.

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

Are you sure that you are aborting?

Dear all, In this oportunity the blog is about Dr. Valenzuela talk: the postovulatory effects of levornorgestrel in emergency contraception, and what do i think of this.

First, Why is this topic so controversial?, This topic, the use of drugs with the object the contraception, is the BIG problem, because this concept have direct relation with the abortion, and it is a topic in discussion yet, Why?, because the investigators have concept different about abortion, for example, the biologists say that the life begin when is formed the zigoto, and if you provokes the dead of this from here, you are provoking abortion.

Dr. Valenzuela's view point about the use levonorgestrel is that provoke contraception preventing the conception, through different mechanisms: It prevents ovulation (anovulatory effect), preventing the union of egg and sperm, preventing that these from joining the egg (contraceptive effect) and, in discuss yet, alters the internal walls of the uterus (the endometrium) preventing the implantation embryo in the uterus.

Is important to consider that the levornorgestrel is a drug that when you use in emergency contraceptive, while earlier you take it after the intercourse, the greater the possibility that pregnancy does not happen.

Now, with this information and drugs we could prevent the unwanted pregnancy or a pregnancy that generates product of rape, although it is a sensitive issue because it is difficult to address them, is good to consider that there are methods to avoid and prevent, especially in rape.

This is the blog and I hope you like.

sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

Good time for a movie

Dear all, in this time Im going to write about a spectacular movie.

The movie is: Avatar (the official website is: http://www.avatarmovie.com/). This movie my brother recommended me and then I saw it in ads.

A short summary: Avatar is a science fiction film, and It is set in 2154.
The humans are mining a mineral very precious and expensibe called unobtanium. This mineral is on Pandora, a big moon located in the Alpha Centauri star system.

Pandora have a special and mysterious wildlife, and is inhabited by NaVi. The Na'Vi are ten-foot-tall (3 m), blue-skinned who live in harmony with nature and worship a mother goddess called Eywa. The scientifics, for have a close relation, create a Na´Vi human hibrid bodies called Avatars, these are operated via mental link by genetically matching humans.

Jake Sully, ex marine, replaces his twin brother, a scientist trained as an avatar operator who was murdered in a robbery. He, during the film, begins to love and cherish this race, which has a close connection with Pandora.

The military, under pressure to obtain the mineral quickly, trying violently to get this, so start a terrible war against the Na'vi. At the end of all the excitement and action during the battles, the victors were Na'vi. The humans who had bad inteciones are exiled.

I chose this movie because it shows a great plot, which immediately captured my attention. The story was very good, showing a wonderful way of life, plus simple stop teaching. Also showed wonderful and exciting landscapes, that blended animals, trees, plants, etc. very rare and attractive.

If you have not seen this movie, I recommend it because I do not regret it.

martes, 29 de junio de 2010

English Blog: New tools for to obtain more experience

Dear all, Today my blog is about the english blog experience.
In my opinion, English has been a great experience. It started like a proyect with big expectations. Its a great experience because strengthens the school english, buff the english skills, gives more vocabulary and gramatical english, etc.

In my case, months ago, I had not the ability for express things in english, idea, situations, etc. orderly and I had more difficults for to explain what really i wanted to say.

The Blog, is a good tool no only to write differents topic, but also for improve differents skills: writting, fluency, vocabulary, expresion, etc. Also, each blog day, we do corrections to other blogs and we check our words and sentences erroneous.

To write the blog, the topics is assigned, and It have relation with our carrer and area in this, for example: Why did we choose this carrer?, What are you fauvorite health site?, What obstetric area do you think to choose?, etc. It generate a view more specific in the health topic and find new thing about obstetric carrer.

In my opinion, The unique weak points in the English blog are: the time that it require to doing this and the schedule destinate for to do this.

The time that it require depend of the topic that We must write, for example a free topic not require major time because you have more topic for to write, but in specific topic, you need find more information for write about this topic, f.e: neonatology, delivery, gender roles, etc. The time destinate for to do this task is the tuesday between 2:30 and 4:00 P.M, but the real time we have for doing this is between 3:30-4:00 and next we must have realized this for thursday. All this generate that We use the time alloted for other subjects.

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

Contribution of physical activity in the life of a student at Medicine Faculty

Student life activities addressing different concerns, for example, act as a student, a son, a friend, as known, and boyfriend, as a person, which is why each of them requires time, energy, mood, motivation, dreams, etc.

All this can lead to many diseases if not is being prepared (like a good way to organize time, spend more energy on priority work, having a healthy lifestyle, etc.).. For all before mencionated, I want to emphasize that one of the major factors that overwhelm to the university student is stress, which causes various symptoms such as irritability, fatigue and exhaustion, drowsiness, muscle and visceral pain, headaches, etc.

I can assign a priority and supported by various organizations (including OMS) that one of the most effective methods minoritized stress and improve both the quality of life is that of physical activity.

Physical activity produces significant changes in student life, and these can be simplified in a big word that is to bring happiness, since it allows for reduced stress (and this largely minoritised symptoms it can cause) can generate social ties, helps reduce weight, maintains and improves the muscles, improves self-esteem, creates character, etc. Therefore guide the student to release and canalize all the negative things that can result from academic life, family, staff, etc.. and generate a positive and healthy life.

It is also important to note that the time it gives the physical activity within the curriculum (face time considered in the race) is insignificant, although this time will help greatly in university life, if it could be more time, for example 2 hours a day to week, could generate beneficiantes and very radical changes, which generate as final product a healthy lifestyle.

martes, 15 de junio de 2010

My little pets =)

Dear all, In this oportunity the written topic of blog is FREE !...therefore, Its a good moment for to write about 4 animals that have one space in my heart: my pets.

My pets are:

Two female dogs of race Tecker, called: Lulú and Luna.
  1. Lulú: She has four years aproximately, She's height 0,8 mt. aprox. Her coat has a cute color, and It glows when her are excited, for example: when she bark to other dogs, when arrive visitors, etc. She is playful, she likes when you throw a ball, doll, etc. and next, she returns with it. She likes to be stroked. Lulú had a litter of 6 dogs, one of them was Luna.
  2. Luna: She has two years aproximately, She is smaller than Lulú. She is "special", because she was born with characteristics of Premature, for example, a height less than of the other dogs, motor problems, skeletal problems (dysplasia), etc. In addition, she did not receive breastfeeding for the large number of dogs, so we had to give artificial milk with bottle. This problems give to Luna a particular personality, she has an irrational and impulsive personality. For this, We must take care of more than usual, but still she does things very funny.
A spyder, that really She is of my brother, but i assumed the responsability to care. The spyder is female and she has three years aproximately, The care that I give to her are: to give water, to give worms every 2-3 weeks, to clean up your house every 6-7 months. I can not play with her because I am allergic. I like her color and movements.

A Hamster, called Felpo. Felpo is male hamster. He has one years aproximately, He is very small and hyperkinetic!. She has a cage sonsistinf of three floors: first floor: He has food and water, second floor: He has a wheel when he plays all night, third floor: He has a bed. Felpo is the last pet has arived.

Theese are my four pets, wich they are part of my heart.

martes, 8 de junio de 2010

The Principal function as a health professional.

In the formation as a health professional, the basic concept and more important is the Education and Prevention, and this can be to different levels: individuals, families and the community.

As future health professional, we must have different tools for develop a complete and effective education, futhermore especific, because you could to do a excelent recomend and education about dont smoke, but the really problems of this person was other, as didnt eat unhealthy food, or did more sport, etc.

The Prevention is very important in the health area, because If you dont doing a good education for promote the prevention, you will achieve serious health problems, and this will can result in the death.

For achieve the prevention at the individual level,the health professional could to do: provide information on relevant topics that could cause health risks,through brochures, posters, etc. Furthermore They could to promote that it persons will go to workshops or lectures, or consider to take a healthy lifestyle.

At the Family level, the health professional could to do more education focus to the family, for example promote a healthy lifestyle in this, with balanced diet, more sport, etc. Furthermore all this can to become with a holistic attention.

At the Community level, the health proffesional could to have contact with the community chief for know the needs of this community, and next aplicate lectures, workshops, educational interventions, use the tv or the radio for explain relevant information, etc.

The midwife can to educate for promote the prevention through:
- the Prenatal Control (in varied topics that require the woman, furthermore the midwife can to strength the previous habits)
- Educational interventions (mainly sexuality, newborn care, etc.)
- etc.

I hope that you read this post.

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

the benefits and drawbacks as MAN in Obstetrics

Dear all
In this opportunity, I'm goingt to write a topic as future midwife, will be directly related the topic is: gender problems in obstetrics.

There are different careers in the health area from the beginning, the majority or totality of students that started, were women
, for example: nursing, obstetrics; and in other cases, the majority or totality of students that started, were men, for example: medicine.
Actually, this has changed, now we can see the integration of men and women in this career in which its were not usual to find them.

In obstetrics, one of the main drawback is this process of integration to this work. The society and culture aren't prepare for incorporation of men in work
as in the actuality mentality maleness still exists (not that I am a feminist, but claerly noted that psycho-social aggression to the women must be eradicated), and the men in this work is "bad seen".
Another drawback is that as men, We c ouldn't to live the same physiological processes that the women, and because of this, we can't fully undestand them and there is less confidence.
The benefits that I can emphasize as future midwife, is that I will try to change the actual "basic mentality", for other that tries to overcome such a gender boundaries. In addition, a benefit as man, is that as we didn't live intimately the women processes, we can to perform a attetion more delicate.

I hope that share and undestand my opinion =)
