lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

My favourite technology object: The Clock.

Dear all, In this oportunity i want to give a little of time for
describe a magnific object: the clock.

The clock is a wonderfull because I can distribute my time and prognosticate,
for example when I have to get up early every day. I find it very useful and I programmed it and it sounds hard: BI BI BI BIP - BI BI BI BIP - BI BI BI BIP!! ,
and let me fully alert, and more importantly, awake. I use it when I have to get up early, when I have to go to college, when I have to get together for some time with a group of workers, friends or my girlfriend, when I will sleep a day in the afternoon,
and I want to wake up yet later (eg.: sleeping between 3 pm to 8pm, I did it sometimes to study).

I have much affection for my clock, because my brother gave me it.
It has: time, radio and alarm, further it is electric object, can run on batteries.

I like this because I can distribute my time, and giving it to things as:
go for a walk, go out and stay with my girlfriend, watching tv, listening to music, reading text, etc., ie, things that allow me to "disconnect" of life as a student.

If you ask me: Can you imagine life without it?, Definitely answer: yes, I CAN, because I could be with greater freedom and and not a structured life, BUT as a consecuence in my life student, I will can induce a big disarray.

I hope that the reading has been interesting,


miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Why Obstetrics?

Dear All, in this oportunity i wanted to take a little of space of blog for to talk about why i chosen study obstetrics, and if i'm right in this career.

I chosen a health carrer because the idea of help to other people heal, relieved or making them feel better is very comforting and enriching experience.
First, when i wanted to enter to university, my first option was Medicine, but with the point obtained i could not enter to this. Next, i thought enter to other career, for example: kinesiology, medical thechnology, ocupacional therapy, nursing, odotology, obstetrics.

I discarded nursing because the labour of nurse is always dependent of a doctor, and i hated this. I found that Medical Technology is a labour where they worked a long time in closed and small place, and always analyzing laboratory exam, it is for this that i dicarted this career. Ocupacional therapy have relation with psicology and with rehabilitation of patient, the person rehabilitation is great but the psicology do not like to me. Odontology, i did not see who a career where i could work or where i was fine, i did not feel nothing special for enter to this.

The options were: Kinesiology or Obstetrics. I prefered obstetrics, because I found most important the care of the women and the relation with the newborns and life that coming.
Now, i felt that obstetrics is the right way that i want, because who future health professional and midwive had a lot of job: promoting the health and quality of women life in different periods of their life cycle, undertake preventive, promotive, diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation. Also concerned to ensure the care of the newborn, by conducting interventions that go beyond the mother-son, and extending to a level that includes family and community. This motivates me to the decision to become an obstetrician, I feel good and happy. The visited to the hospital was a nice experience, this did that I stayed in Obstetrics, because I could see that the obstetrics is not just take out babies. Obstetrics had a wide labour that integrate the mother and son, and the women.

I hope that agree and undertake with this as me =) ,


martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

Health's Information about Chile

Hello to all, in it oportunity I want to speak about a useful page, Its

MINSAL is the Ministery of Health, Gobernment of Chile.

In the page, you can find about health's information in Chile: Hospital construction, Hospital inauguration, Menssage for health proffesional and general people, etc.

When you enter in it, you can see differents section:

  • Conozcanos: you could see a short information about the mission and vission, objects, function and the actual Minister of the MINSAL, also a short introduction about the work of different Health's Institutions and Service.

  • Le Informamos: In this section, you can find different sites about where you could find information quickly and directly.

  • Temas de Salud: Here you are going to know about the people's participation in health, health's determination, varied research, etc.

  • Protección de Salud: Here you could find information about the actions and programs that have the MINSAL for protect and promote a healthy living.

  • Problemas de Salud: In this section, you can find the principal health problems and illness in Chile.

  • Instituciones Relacionadas: Here you could find different page that it have relation with the health and the MINSAL.

  • Campañas: In this space, you can find the different campaign that is doing the MINSAL.

  • Destacados: This section, you can read the recient news of MINSAL. The news is aimed to all peolple.

I enter to it page when i need general information about health, for example: indicators health, recient news, etc., from varied works and investigations.

I like this page beacuse:
  • Its a page directly of the Gobernment of Chile.
  • All the information contained is trustworthy.
  • The design page is ordered and ornate.
  • You can find the information quickly and actual.
Is for it that i invite to all for enter the page mainly when you are going to need to make a Investigation Work about Chile and you are going to need information about indicators, campaign, news, the labour of the MINSAL, etc.

I hope that you will can see the page and it like to you. ByE!