domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010


Dear all, I want to write about the stress: definition, risk, symptoms and preventing of this.

Definition: Stress is a physical and emotional reaction that everyone experiences as he/she encounters changes in life. These reactions can have positive (for example, when it makes us deal constructively with daily problems and meet the challenges) or negative effects (for example when this effects can lead to depression and heart disease).

Risks of stress: Stres stress caqn lead to a variety of serious diseases, for example: high blood pressure (wich can cause heart problems inlcuding heart attacks), migraine headaches, back pain, ulcers, bad habits (relieve it with illicit drugs, smoking or alcoho) and ,other big problem, weak immune system.

Symptoms: under stress, a people may experience: headaches, heartburn, insomnia, tense muscles, shaky hands, fatigue, etc. besides It may also feel: nervous, fearful, confused, confused, worried, irritable, unable to concentrate, etc. This symptons interfere the normal life, for example poor job/study perfomance, unhappy life,unhappy marriage, unstable or lost job, poor relationship with the family members, couples or coworkers, accumulating debt, etc.

Preventing stress: avoid stressors that can to be controllable (for exmple: dont go shopping if it stresses you) , plan major lifestyle changes, realize your limitation (learn how to say "no" to new responsailities that you are not sure can fulfill), prioritize, improve communication, share your thoughts with a spouse, a parent, a child, or a friend, develop a positive attitude, reward yourself (for example with vacation, special treats, etc), exercise every day for at least 30 min (It is the most effective ways of preventing and managing stress), eat and sleep well. Well, It is a short guide about the stress. I hope that you can to read it.

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Breast cancer in young women 'increases risk' of disease in relatives

Dear all, I want to write a summary of a article very interesting.

Well the article describe a studie of a group compose by parents and siblings of 504 womens diagnosed with the Breast cancer before the age of 35 and the scientist could to chek that this person had 1.5-2 fold increased risk of prostate, lung, brain and urinary cancers.

This risk increased when the scientist saw the faulty genes that increase the chance of breast cancer, for example if one of the abnormal genes is BRCA1 and BRCA2, the chance of had this disease is 55% to 85% risk of developing in their lifetime (the risk increased four-fold), being higher in siblings that in parents ,for example in mothers.
In contrast, women that dont have this abnormal genes, only account for between 2% and 5% of all breast cancers.

Is important to consider this study because suggesting a strategy to help identify other genes which significantly increase a woman's breast cancer risk, but this require new study for determine and confirm this risk and other genes.
Furthermore, previous studies have suggested the relation between the increased risk of other cancers and women with breast cancer, but the links have been weak and inconsistent.

Finally, Of the 504 women in the study, 41 had a BRCA mutation with a total of 2.200 parents and siblings were involved.

- Well, I have chosen this article beacuse It has a direct relation with my carrer, and I actually did not know what genes in particular are responsible of breast cancer and If its have relation with the developed of other cancers. With this information I can help of better way the women with this disease and prevent this in other women from young.
