sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

Wuju! FREE POST =)

This is a good time to post about something I like, one of them is a time that is approaching: the summer

Summer is a season that begins Dec. 21 and ends on March 21, and this is one of the stations that I love.
This season is when the sun heats up with her light, and days are longer and nights are shorter, the air is hot and dry and it invites us outdoors and outdoor activities such as swimming, walking biking, hiking, etc.. Particularly swimming is one of the sports that I love, and that at this time serves to cool and get a good workout of the body, which is far more complete sport.
Among the things I like and I can do is to wear comfortable things, such as shorts, bathing suit, shirt, hat, shoes, shawls, etc.
It is also during this time that I feel more energy and feel more cheerful and talkative, I laugh and I feel more open to share with the environment.
Do not forget that at this time is when you lose more body fluid, and it can be retrieved with fruits displayed at this time, besides being rich in water, flavor and colors, and help them stay healthy. Among the fruits that can be enjoyed in this period are: melons, watermelons, bananas, apples, strawberries, pears, plums, nectarines, cherries, etc.

I hope that you read all and it like you.

PD: thanks Miss Trajtemberg for all, You are a very good teacher and person.

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

The differents uses of the technology in the university subjects

Every year the faculty comes to change, the academics, the structure, the books, etc, and with this, the use of technology and this integration in the faculty.
In the coming, the faculty didn’t have computers, internet, virtual books, the use of power point, etc; this only used traditional form for give the information.
The main benefits with this advance are the students that today can use this for to have better connection between their and all the faculty.

This year, the students had better communication with the academics, because now there is a virtual platform that has different tools: forum, upload class and papers, calendar, expose the notes, etc. This allows, for example, that the academics give the information of the week and the all programs in the year, upload the class for all the students, give private and public information, etc. This is very useful to develop a subject, because teachers can guide the virtual platform according to requirements that they have. Also the students can give their opinion about the subjects or the academics.

One example that the technology is very fun and useful to learn is the MIIM (Modulo Integrado Interdisciplinario y Multiprofesional). MIIM is a subject created this year with the object of analyzing fictional/real clinic case. The dynamic of this subject is: there are different virtual persons (this could the real people or a people impersonating this): the patient (the patient or a family of this), the different health professional (physical therapy, midwife, etc). The students are organized in groups for to approve the case. The idea is recreate a real case, and the group has the role of analyzing the case, give information to the patient, resolve the case while this evolves, etc. The students have different tools for doing this, for example: forum, a blog (only for communicate between patient or other health professional), upload papers, etc

Finally, the advanced method allows that the students access information didactically, have more tools and possibility of connection and knowledge, create a channel between the course and the teachers and between students, obtain information between different careers in the faculty, have better and updated information, etc. This opens the door to a “big world” that people are knowing and maybe in some years more, this will return to change.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

The Brain myths

Dear all, a few days ago the Dr. Pedro Maldonado was to talk about "myths and truth on the brain”, with this information I made the next blog.

The brain is the control center of the body. Controls thought, memory, speech and movement. It regulates the function of many organs, so it is one of the most important organs. Although these things are known, the brain remains a mystery to modern science. There are still many unknowns:the origin of consciousness, how memories are stored, the power of the subconscious, the connection between mind and body are some of the mysteries that we still need to discover completely.

However, there are some facts we do know about him and his brain works, and with this we can break down myths. One of the most struck me was that you cannot learn while you are asleep, until quite some time been selling music tapes on the market which guarantee learn without much effort. As it mechanism, only you need to be asleep and listen these recording, and next you are going to learn how to “osmotic effect”. This sounds fantastic, but really you can do it?

While you sleep, the brain is still functioning, and despite that it performs different functions, it only cares about rest. Although the brain receives various stimuli, such as listening to the recording, do not worry about memorizing them.

I had great faith in this assumption, in fact I occupy it method, in high school, many times to "learn" some things, but I think it just helped me to be convinced that I was memorizing.

That's all, hope you like.