miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

The Brain myths

Dear all, a few days ago the Dr. Pedro Maldonado was to talk about "myths and truth on the brain”, with this information I made the next blog.

The brain is the control center of the body. Controls thought, memory, speech and movement. It regulates the function of many organs, so it is one of the most important organs. Although these things are known, the brain remains a mystery to modern science. There are still many unknowns:the origin of consciousness, how memories are stored, the power of the subconscious, the connection between mind and body are some of the mysteries that we still need to discover completely.

However, there are some facts we do know about him and his brain works, and with this we can break down myths. One of the most struck me was that you cannot learn while you are asleep, until quite some time been selling music tapes on the market which guarantee learn without much effort. As it mechanism, only you need to be asleep and listen these recording, and next you are going to learn how to “osmotic effect”. This sounds fantastic, but really you can do it?

While you sleep, the brain is still functioning, and despite that it performs different functions, it only cares about rest. Although the brain receives various stimuli, such as listening to the recording, do not worry about memorizing them.

I had great faith in this assumption, in fact I occupy it method, in high school, many times to "learn" some things, but I think it just helped me to be convinced that I was memorizing.

That's all, hope you like.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello my love!!!

    The myth that you choice is very interesting, because is logical to think that if you receive any stimulus while sleep (for example: listen to a class; you could remerber it to nex day, but it not happen; because the brain connections are off and only has the function to rest.

    I like your post!

    Kisses!! <3
