martes, 8 de junio de 2010

The Principal function as a health professional.

In the formation as a health professional, the basic concept and more important is the Education and Prevention, and this can be to different levels: individuals, families and the community.

As future health professional, we must have different tools for develop a complete and effective education, futhermore especific, because you could to do a excelent recomend and education about dont smoke, but the really problems of this person was other, as didnt eat unhealthy food, or did more sport, etc.

The Prevention is very important in the health area, because If you dont doing a good education for promote the prevention, you will achieve serious health problems, and this will can result in the death.

For achieve the prevention at the individual level,the health professional could to do: provide information on relevant topics that could cause health risks,through brochures, posters, etc. Furthermore They could to promote that it persons will go to workshops or lectures, or consider to take a healthy lifestyle.

At the Family level, the health professional could to do more education focus to the family, for example promote a healthy lifestyle in this, with balanced diet, more sport, etc. Furthermore all this can to become with a holistic attention.

At the Community level, the health proffesional could to have contact with the community chief for know the needs of this community, and next aplicate lectures, workshops, educational interventions, use the tv or the radio for explain relevant information, etc.

The midwife can to educate for promote the prevention through:
- the Prenatal Control (in varied topics that require the woman, furthermore the midwife can to strength the previous habits)
- Educational interventions (mainly sexuality, newborn care, etc.)
- etc.

I hope that you read this post.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi my love!!!

    In your post you mencioned something very important: "The Holistic attention", but I think this concept is relevant not only in the family level, is relevant to individual and community level.
    Furthemore I think that is important specialists refer to users who have risk factors for developing a disease.

    I like very much your post!!

    I love you! kisses!
